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The Integrated Border Management System Integrated Border Management System (IBMS) is a subsystem inside the RA National Single Window for Foreign Trade. The subsystem ensures interoperability between the Customs Unified Automated Information (CUAI) system and Border Electronic Management Information (BEMI) system of the National Security Service of the RA. The IBMS facilitates the data exchange process between the aforementioned two systems. The IBMS plays a vital role in facilitating the data exchange process between these two systems, making it possible to compare the border crossing data of persons and vehicles crossing the RA state border at the time of entry into the BEMI system with the risk profiles localized in the Rules Management and Risk Management systems of the RA data-SRC CUAI system. To further elaborate, the matching of data is carried out through the BEMI system, which compares the quantitative and temporal values of the previously entered information of the data collected on the same entity (person/vehicle) with the relevant indicators of the risk profiles. In case of an overlap in data, the system generates an alert message in the BEMI system interface and in the CUAI system, with the help of an intermediate subsystem. In the event of identified risks, the IBMS logs the information. The system provides the user with four sections to carry out necessary actions: Monitoring, Selected Persons and Vehicles, Indicators, and Rules. The Monitoring section displays search results from the Selected Persons and Vehicles section, which auto-updates to only show entities with at least one act in the Risk Management subsystem. In case of indication resolution, the entity is auto-deleted from the list. The Selected Persons and Vehicles section contains the complete base of the entities automatically selected from the BEMI system based on the previously established rules and indications of the CUAI system. The section supports parameter-based search and contains additional data on each entity searched by the user. The Indicators section contains information on risk indicators of the IBMS system, allows creation of new risk items, and supports parameter-based search. Similarly, the Rules section contains information on the rules of the IBMS system, gives the possibility to add new rules, and supports parameter-based search. In summary, the IBMS subsystem of the RA National Single Window for Foreign Trade facilitates data exchange and risk assessment between the Customs Unified Automated Information system and the Border Electronic Management Information system. It provides an efficient and effective way to compare border crossing data of persons and vehicles crossing the RA state border and supports necessary actions for identified risks.
Border Crossing The system allows for the control over the movement of vehicles conducting international cargo transportation in customs control areas. This solution digitalizes the monitoring of vehicles in customs control zones and camera-equipped areas through the application of automatic license plate recognition technology. It ensures a seamless and efficient recording of the entry and exit of vehicles, with interoperability designed to facilitate a two-way exchange of data with relevant subsystems of the unified automated information system of customs. The system offers comprehensive functionalities, including real-time automated control over international cargo transportation at border crossing points, meticulous data collection at these points, optimized workforce distribution for daily shifts based on defined control functions, remote employee monitoring capabilities, and seamless integration with automatic ticket gates for enhanced border crossing point and Foreign Economic Activity service center management.
COD COD The Customs Offences Database (COD) stands as a pivotal intranet software tool within the State Revenue Committee (SRC) of the Republic of Armenia (RA). The system seamlessly integrates with all subsystems of the unified information system of the customs service, concurrently operating as a standalone subsystem. The electronic documents generated within the COD, encompassing electronic forms of diverse registers, adjustments, and associated documents, embody specific statuses and rules in alignment with procedural requirements. Essential to the SRC's coordinated efforts in detecting customs offenses, the COD facilitates the subsequent handling of identified violations. It serves as a centralized repository for the collection, processing, and analysis of relevant information, allowing authorized officials within SRC structural units access based on appropriate permissions. The system ensures seamless interoperability with the Customs Unified Automated Information System, enhancing data exchange efficiency. Historically, information on violations and inconsistencies in customs regulations was dispersed across electronic files or paper documents, hindering effective communication and coordination between research and inspection units. The COD addresses this challenge by amalgamating data from various sources, including the RA National Single Window for Foreign Trade Portal, Taxpayer 3 System, State Register Agency of Legal Entities, Passport and Visa Department of the RA Police, and databases from third parties. To further enhance service quality, a risk management toolkit has been integrated into the COD, directing targeted customs analyses and inspections. The system automates document preparation for detecting customs offenses, filling forms automatically with entered data. It offers regular insights into analysis results, studies, and checks on customs offenses, providing thematic, monetary, and summary information on the involved parties. The COD not only grants access to currently recorded offenses but also to historical records and investigations. It furnishes information on violations within administrative or criminal proceedings, detailing the subsequent fulfillment of obligations, including examination results in the RA SRC appeals commission and court. The Customs Offences Database, developed by our software team, serves as a comprehensive management and monitoring tool for customs offenses. It empowers the RA SRC with efficient collection, processing, and analysis of customs-related information, fostering enhanced coordination in detecting offenses and automating associated functions. It is not just a system; it is a commitment to facilitating effective customs regulation and foreign trade oversight.
TRMCD The Transport Means Declaration System (TRMCD) is specifically designed for vehicles entering and leaving the Republic of Armenia (RA), TRMCD stands as a cornerstone in the efficient management of transportation declarations. Beyond its foundational role of recording comprehensive vehicle information, TRMCD automates the calculation of corresponding taxes and duties, ensuring financial transparency and regulatory compliance. This system not only streamlines the declaration process but also establishes a reliable repository for accurate record- keeping, encompassing essential details such as vehicle type, origin, destination, and other pertinent data. Developed in adherence to RA regulations, TRMCD facilitates seamless integration with relevant subsystems and databases, promoting interoperability for a more connected and efficient transportation and customs ecosystem. As a pivotal component of the customs and transportation infrastructure, TRMCD contributes to the overall efficiency of cargo and passenger vehicle movements, enhancing compliance and transparency
Electronic System of Audit Management 1. Electronic System for Audit Management. Enables SRC employees to process and organize the tax audits for taxpayers. 2. “Audits, studies, committee decisions” subsection of the Electronic Reporting System. Enables SRC employees to issue audit notices, document requirements, and enables feedback. 3. Risk Registration System. Already on the website 4. SRC Appeals Commission Decisions. The system ensures the prompt delivery of digitalized decisions to taxpayers, enhancing transparency and expediting communication
Risk Registration System The Risk Registration System is designed to manage discipline risks within the framework of tax and customs discipline improvement strategy implemented by the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia. Before the introduction of the system, the process of managing risks was carried out manually. The Risk Registration System automates the process of filling in information in the risk register, making changes to it, and summarizing that information. The system operates in an online environment and is integrated with the Taxpayer 3 electronic management system, allowing users to reference it in other systems. Authorized users have the ability to register, view, reproduce, print, and edit risks in the system.  The system has two modules - Register of Tax Discipline Risks or Register of Customs Discipline Risks - for users to enter information about the risk. Entered risks are approved by the authorized body and become available in the database. The system also sends an email notification to the coordination team when a risk is entered or edited. The system allows users to view the list of risks registered in a module, filter the information, close individual fields, and obtain individual lists using the extract command. Lists can be exported in the .xlsx format, and filtered information can be printed without reproduction. Editing of entered information is only possible after approval by the coordination team. The system allows users to delete available information with the possibility of recovery, as deleted information is stored in the cloud for 1 year before automatic deletion. The system has an annual archiving function, based on the evaluation of the competent authorities regarding the propriety of archiving the proposed information. The system also has a history section that reflects all actions related to a registered risk in chronological order. Additionally, the system provides an opportunity to automatically compile summary and statistical reports for a preferred period in word or excel formats, including information on the actions performed. Overall, the Risk Registration System is an automated system designed to automate risk management in the framework of tax and customs discipline. It is an online system that provides various functions to authorized users, including registering, viewing, reproducing, printing, and editing risks. It also offers the ability to compile summary and statistical reports for a preferred period.
Tax Risks Managment System The Tax Risk Management System is an integrated complex designed for the effective management and analysis of tax data. The main components of this system are Neo4j and Elastic Stack, which provide powerful data structuring and processing capabilities. The system automatically collects and organizes both structured and unstructured data from various tax-related sources. This includes information from financial statements, returns, accounting documents and other relevant sources. The system operates through a graph database using Neo4j which allows for the efficient modelling and analysis of relationships between different data elements. A key advantage of the system is its ability to automatically generate algorithms when updating data. This ensures that the information is up-to-date and allows for a quick response to changes in tax legislation or the financial situation. Each taxpayer in the system a personal card, where necessary information is stored. The creation of individual cards enables quick access to needed information, and the calculation of individual data based on related documents. This significantly improves the efficiency and accuracy of the tax analysis process. Elastic Stack, in turn, provides powerful tools for searching, visualizing and monitoring data, which makes streamlines working with information. The system provides a high degree of data security and confidentiality, and is easily scalable to adapting to changing requirements and volumes of information.
Unified Trade Portal Customs Declarations Portal, meticulously designed as a seamless platform cateringto customs declarations. The portal integrates with diverse state electronic systems,ensuring a streamlined and efficient experience for users. Notably, it goes beyond borders by establishing integration with the electronic systems of Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states, facilitating the smooth exchange of data. The Integrated Border Control System (IBCS) is a subsystem inside the National Single Window for...
Customs Projects
Border Crossing The control over the movement of vehicles carrying outinternational cargo transportation in customs control areas" system hasbeen introduced in the SRC of RA. The system records the entry or exit of avehicle into the customs control areas and in areas equipped with cameras. Thearea of entry and exit traffic control is carried out using the automaticrec... The Customs Offences Database (COD) is an internal internet software tool of the...
Tax Projects
Customs Offences Database CustomsOffences Database TheCustoms Offences Database (COD) is an intranet software tool of the StateRevenue Committee (SRC) of the Republic of Armenia (RA). It is integrated withall other subsystems of the unified information system of the customs service, whilealso functioning as a separate subsystem. The electronic documents... The project aims at maintaining the existing component systems in the...
Transport Means Declaration System The Transport MeansDeclaration System is a declaration system for cargo and passenger vehicles.The system is based around the declaration, which records information aboutvehicles entering and leaving the RA. The system also forms respective taxesand duties. The project involves making changes to the electronic management systems of the...
Electronic System for Audit Management 1.Electronic System for AuditManagement. Enables SRC employees to process...
2.“Audits, studies, committeedecisions” subsection of the...
3.SRC Appeals CommissionDecisions. The system ensures the prompt delivery of...
The Vehicle Declaration System (VDS) is a subsystem of the Customs Unified Automated Information System (CUAIS), designed to...
Risk Management System The Tax Risk Management system (the System) is an integrated computer-based system that operates within the Taxpayer 3 System of the State Revenue Committee (data-SRC) of the Republic of Armenia (RA). The Taxpayer 3... The Tax Risk Management system (the System) is an integrated computer-based system that...
Tax Risks Managemnt System Customs Declarations Portal, meticulously designed as a seamless platform cateringto customs declarations. The portal integrates with diverse state electronic systems,ensuring a streamlined and efficient experience for users. Notably, it goes beyond borders by establishing integration with the electronic systems of Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states, facilitating the smooth exchange of data. The Tax Risk Management system (the System) is an integrated computer-based system that...
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